FREE-SKI Safe Snow Sports Operation Guidelines 2020-2021
Procedures for being ‘on-site’ ie Dryslope
On arrival customers to be asked to comply with the following procedures:
- Use hand sanitiser on entry to work spaces and stations
- Adhere to social distancing when setting up and ski and boot fitting, where social distancing is not possible other strategies including masks and sanitisation will be employed.
- Safe setup of equipment remains a paramount priority
- No hand-shaking
- Wash hands regularly and sanitise, particularly before and after eating
- After using the bathroom wash hands and use disinfectant wipes available to wipe down high-touch points, then dispose of wipes in bin provided
- Keep kit tidy and confined to assigned spaces
- Do not touch others kit
- Wear face covering when in a group situation (except to eat or drink)
- Practise good personal hygiene, such as coughing or sneezing into the crook of your elbow or a handkerchief/ tissue
On-slope etiquette
- No high-fiving or hugging
- Do not share food or drink
- Do not help others with their skis your instructor will assist with any ski/board/binding/equipment issues
- Have face covering easily accessible for use in any close- contact situations
- Use hand sanitiser before and after eating on snow
- Always ski/board within your own abilities, and err on the side of caution. Don’t take unnecessary risks while riding and listen to the advice/ instructions of your instructor at all times
- T-bars to be used in accordance with current operators guidelines
- Lunch breaks to be taken outdoors as much as possible
- Instructors to emphasise teaching and facilitating independence to allow minimal contact between themselves and instructor
General advice for customers
- Undertake a self-assessment before attending your lesson: if you, or anyone with whom you have been in close contact with over the previous two weeks, become ill or start to show symptoms of Covid-19, please do not attend
- All participants are encouraged to use the NHS track and trace APP
- Check with your travel insurance providers to see if they will cover you for: last-minute trip cancellation as a result of contracting Covid-19 (or members of your household contracting the virus)
- Inform your instructor immediately if you start to feel ill – for any reason
- Instructors to inform ski school managers and director immediately if a member of the group feels unwell and ask individual to distance themselves from group
- For kids and junior lessons parents and guardians must contactable and within reasonable proximity of the lesson facility
- Ski School management to remove learner from group until parents or accompanying party or individual is able to take themselves for medical attention.
Procedures/ testing
- Should someone develop symptoms during a lesson learner to be removed from group immediately.
- Instructors and customers who are ‘clinically well’ but may have symptoms should phone for a test 0800 028 2816 and follow advise
- ‘High risk’ is the term given to the situations where we will have to break social distancing i.e. group shelters and first aid situations
- Priority and common sense should prevail in these situations, masks on snow for the event of needing to perform first aid or be evacuated are essential
These guidelines have been designed to minimise the chances of cross infection and insure safety of both staff and clients whilst maintaining excellence and unrivalled snow sports instruction and experiences