Free-Ski Bookings

We offer a wide variety of late autumn packages to suit all levels .

  • Private Lessons: Priced for up to 3 clients. Extra members of your party can be added at an additional cost per head, up to 10 people.
  • Dry Slope: A block of 4 consecutive weekly lessons which take place on a dry ski slope. We have classes for 4 – 12 years, and 13 years – adult. To ensure continuity, you must be available for all four weeks.
  • Wee Ski: A block of 4 consecutive weekly lessons. Aimed at 4 – 16 years. To ensure continuity, you must be available for all four weeks.
  • Family: A mixed package where lessons are tailored to the needs of the party members – adults and children learn separately, depending on age. Please contact us by email to discuss the an appropriate lesson plan for your party.
  • Side Country & Ski Touring: For those aged 16 and over with minimum level 4 experience, your opportunity to experience the mountain off-piste. For an in-depth description of this course check out the dedicated page here.

Please Note: Skiing tuition is available from 4 years of age and snowboarding from 8 years of age
and each lesson can only accommodate one snowsports discipline.

When completing the form, please indicate your skill level from the list below:
Level 1 – Complete beginner or has tried once but would like to start again.
Level 2 – Able to control speed and change direction but have never really used a Poma or T-bar alone.
Level 3 – Can use a tow and is confident doing linked turns at speed.
Level 4 – Confident on a variety of lifts, able to ski/snowboard red runs safely but looking to improve technique to carry more speed and style.
Level 5 – Confident up to ski/snowboard red runs and above, looking to fine-tune techniques such as carving and variable terrain.

Click here to create a user login. This is required for our online booking portal.

To place a booking within 24 hours of your lesson, please get in touch
by email or call us on (+44) 07495 028 578.

Dry Slope Lessons (4 week blocks)

Our Dry Slope Lessons for the season are over!

Well done to all who took part.

Pre Wee Ski on snow, 4-5 years (4 week block)

Please note that a minimum of Level 2 experience is required.

Unless stated otherwise, all lessons take place on Cairngorm Mountain.

For students aged 4-5 years, please ensure there is a responsible adult available at all times.

To ensure continuity, you must be available for all four weeks.

Wee Ski on snow, 6-12 years (4 week blocks)

Please note that a minimum of Level 2 experience is required.

Unless stated otherwise, all lessons take place on Cairngorm Mountain.

To ensure continuity, you must be available for all four weeks.

For students aged 6-12 years, please ensure there is a responsible adult available at all times.

Teen Ski on snow, 13-16 years (4 week blocks)

Please note that a minimum of Level 2 experience is required.

Unless stated otherwise, all lessons take place on Cairngorm Mountain.

To ensure continuity, you must be available for all four weeks.

For students aged 13-16 years, please ensure there is a responsible adult available at all times.

Ski & Snowboard Lessons, on snow

Weather permitting, our winter season will run from 20th December 2024 – 20th April 2025.
We are closed on Christmas Day.

Side Country & Ski Touring, age 16 years and over

Weather permitting, our Side Country Group lessons run over weekends starting on 21st December 2024.

Follow this link to check out availability and to complete your booking.

Our Side Country Private lessons are not limited to weekends and you can book as many days as you want. Again weather permitting, these lessons begin on 20th December 2024.

Follow this link to check availability and to complete your booking.

If you want to hire equipment only, call us on (+44) 07495 028578.

*Click here to go to our Terms and Conditions page.
*Click here to go to our COVID-19 Guidelines page.

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